Typical YEO Year
- Attend District Youth Exchange Officers workshop
- Confirm host families for new inbound(s) are already corresponding with student.
- US Students must have first host families vetted in YEAH by August 1.
- Email student Host Family summary from YEAH before student leaves their home country.
- Pick up student at airport and settle student with first host family.
- Notify Country Officer of student's arrival - record arrival in YEAH Portal
- Register student at school; attend to student’s banking needs; collect and secure student's $500 emergency fund.
- Check VISA status and ensure students have required documentation to travel within our International District 5020. Make copies of all documentation
- Make copies of inbound student’s insurance information. Keep one copy for your file and give a copy to each host family. Also, instruct host family on what to do for medical attention
- Take student around vicinity. Stop at businesses of various Rotarians and introduce them to student
- If possible, introduce student to each host family
- Make sure student is registered for in the Inbound Orientation
- Contact club Treasurer to begin student stipend. Follow up to make sure checks are written each month
- Confirm transportation arrangements for Inbound Orientation
- Contact school and arrange to be at first assembly to speak about the Youth Exchange program to start recruiting applicants.
- Give the school secretary or exchange student contact a supply of the one-page club applications and information sheet.
- Collect club applications and set up interviews. Try to have selections made by end of first week.
- Supply successful outbound candidate with link to the online application. Instruct them they will need to turn in four copies of completed application packet all with original signatures in blue ink, and a country choice form. All forms are available to download on the Internet. It is recommended that the student fill out each page on the Internet and print as completed. Only typewritten applications will be accepted. Review the student's essay and photos for accuracy and content.
- Make a copy of student’s completed packet for your records.
- Send four originals of application, signed rules and country selection to your District Club Coordinator by date determined each year at YEO training.
- Check with school to see how your inbound is doing. This is the time to forestall problems in school.
- Arrange for a supply of Christmas cards for current outbound. Have Rotarians sign them.
- Make sure outbound candidates have travel arrangements made for District Selection Interviews in December.
- Inbounds may be traveling to California on a district sponsored trip.
- Make sure outbound candidates attend Outbound Selection Interview in Victoria.
- A parent or guardian must accompany outbound candidates. Parent or guardian is responsible for the accommodation and meals of the outbound candidate.
- Send Short Term Exchange Program applications to District STEP Chairman by December 31st.
- Send Christmas cards to current outbounds.
- Arrange for Christmas gift from club for inbounds.
- Outbounds should receive country confirmation by the middle of month.
- Check with your inbounds to make sure they are not having too much difficulty with homesickness. (This is the time for it!)
- Confirm arrangements for new host family.
- Make sure inbounds are registered for the Comox Valley Weekend.
- Check periodically with outbounds to see if they need anything or have any problems as they prepare for going out (should be applying for passports, taking pictures, etc.)
- Make sure outbounds are registered for Outbound Orientation (takes place in March)
- Confirm transportation arrangements for Comox Valley Weekend PASSPORTS!
- Confirm registration and transportation arrangements for outbounds to their orientation (parent must attend and pay their own way).
- Host family change (usually during spring break).
- Anytime from now on you will receive application for prospective inbound for processing. Confirm with you District Club Coordinator. You will need to process a guarantee form and a letter from your school on School Letter Head after confirmation, start looking for host families. Give information packets to prospective host families.
- Follow up with outbounds to make sure they purchase a blazer and are making all arrangements for travel, passport, VISA etc.
- Make sure Inbound students are registered for District Conference.
- Outbounds students should be receiving country guarantee forms by now. Do they need visas for their host country?
- Confirm transportation arrangements for Inbound Students to District conference PASSPORTS?
- Maintain contact with your outbound students. They are getting anxious especially if they haven’t received their guarantee yet. More questions are popping up.
- Is your inbound graduating? If so, maybe a card or gift would be in order.
- Arrange for farewell gift from club for your inbound.
- Arrange for inbounds to get their transcripts from school. You may have to mail transcript to student after they return home.
- If your inbound student is participating in the Summer Trip make sure they have made transportation arrangements to get to Departure Point. PASSPORT?
- Check inbound departure dates. Confirm transportation to airport.
- Check outbound departure dates.
- Make sure outbounds have club banners to take to host country.
- Confirm host families for inbounds.
- Make a list of birthdays for both outbounds and inbounds and send them cards.
- Confirm safe arrival of outbounds with their parents. Make sure they’re comfortable with all arrangements. Follow up a couple more times during the first month to make sure everything is OK.
- Arrange for outbound students to visit your club several times.
- Arrange for inbound student to give a program at your club.
- Arrange for rebound student to give a program at your club.