Host Family Vetting Practices
If you are vetting a single parent with no children living in the home there are two more forms that are required, these can be found on YEAH under the “Directory/Library” tab in the Portal and under the "Document Library" on the HUB. Select SHP Secondary Level Review, which must be uploaded in the Host Family document file and SHP Placement Consent Form, which must be uploaded into the students document file once they are completed.
Every family member residing in the home over the age of 18 must first be vetted and trained as a Host Family Member. This includes completing the following:
- One Host Family Application (send the online link) -be sure they list your club on the application!
- Reference Checks (3 per family)
- Criminal Background Check (IntelliCorp or RCMP) for each adult member of the family living at home (For US residents; each adult family member will be emailed a link to complete their own background checks. For this reason each person in the household must have their own email address listed on their application)
- NSOR (National Sex Offenders Registry)
The Process
This process is started by the YEO at the club level by :
- sending one family member an e-mail with this link. The family takes the process from here and all the subsequent procedures become automated up to the home visit.
- Once the application has been submitted by the family the Youth Exchange Compliance Team (YECT) (these are a select number of district level volunteers specifically in place for all reviews of documentation) will review it and approve, deny, or request additional information.
- Once approved each adult member must also complete the Youth Protection Awareness training offered online through the NAYEN link sent by the YECT. When this has been successfully completed the YEAH database will be populated to show the results.
- Once the family has completed these steps and been approved they can have full access to the student’s application including photos, contact information, medical information, etc.
At any time after the application has been approved you can submit the – Initial or Annual Home Interview Report. A Complete set of photos were uploaded by the family during their initial application process, you must evaluate if the photos match the actual residence. The interview report along with the photos can be accessed in the Host Family's folder in the YEAH portal and also on the HUB in the families processing tab using your unique log in access code. Once you have completed the Home Interview Report please click submit. Photos are not required for Canadian Host Families.
A copy of the complete application can be viewed in the YEAH Hub documents.
Once the home visit has been submitted a Host Family Orientation checklist will be emailed to the YEO on record and the training date can be scheduled after you confirm that all the other requirements have been fulfilled by the family members. A Host Family Orientation checklist must be printed and taken with you during the orientation. You will have both parents sign the form along with the person conducting the orientation. The completed form will need to be scanned and emailed back to the YECT for review and upload into YEAH. The Orientation must be completed prior to the student’s arrival or move to a family and AFTER the home visit and inspection. For US families The DOS Exchange Visitors Program Regulations and the DOS Host Family Letter was sent to the family upon completion of the Host Family Application.
Add New Host Family
Send the online link: Family Application
This is a 7-page document detailing many aspects of the host family and the hosting city/town. A good practice is to customize a letter with certain details they will need to complete their application. Save this and send it along with an email to the host families outlining the process. Items to include:Helpful Prompts for the Host Family ApplicationYour Rotary Club Name:High School Information:School Name: ___ Public ___ PrivateSchool Address:City ZipSchool Official:Name: Phone EmailApproximate distance between the school and your home:Approximate start date of the school year:Community Information:In what type of community do you live: __ Urban __ Suburban __ Rural __ FarmPopulation of community:Nearest Major City: Distance PopulationNearest Airport: Name DistanceCity or town website:Briefly describe your neighborhood and community area:What points of interest are near your area (parks, museums, historical sites):Host Family Interview
Takes place at the time of the home visitHost Family Visit Report
After the Host Family Application has been approved for hosting an initial home visit report is required. You will compare the photos of the public and student’s living areas: Living Room, Kitchen, Student’s Bathroom and Bedroom, and the exterior of the home and complete the interview process. Submit your report from the YEAH portal or the HUB for your host family.Host Family Orientation
Once all the previous documentation has been satisfied and prior to the student’s placement in the home you need to arrange a host family orientation. Customize a Host Family Orientation Manual (found on this website) for each family each year. A Host Family Orientation checklist must be completed and submitted to the YECT for review and upload into YEAH. The Orientation must be completed prior to the student’s arrival or move to a family and AFTER the home visit and inspection. You will find many helpful ideas on this website regarding what needs to be supplied to and covered with each adult family member.This is a good time to review the travel policy, supply contact information for the YEO, counselor and Country Officer. Also, review what to do in case a medical visit is required. Make sure they have a copy of the student’s insurance, travel permission form that is provided by the country officer and the student’s medical release form that was included in the student’s application. Once this step has been completed email the completed form to the YECT – all adult family pre-screened members must be present for this orientation.Your family is NOW ready to welcome their new son/daughter into their home!Host Family Summary for US Hosting Families
According to US State Department regulations, a Host Family Summary must be generated from YEAH and emailed to the student prior to them leaving their home country. Document that this summary was sent to your student. Please review the YEAH instructional files on this website to learn more.Host Family Follow-up Visit
A follow-up host family visit must occur with each host family. Use the ‘Submit Follow-up Visit Report’ found on the host family profile in the YEAH portal. A different Authorized Rotarian must perform this visit than performed the initial inspection. The follow-up visit must take place at least 30 and no more than 60 days after the student has moved into the family.The following procedure is for ALL returning host families:
- Host Family vetting is current for 12 months from the time the application is submitted (3 years in Canada). You must renew the family’s application process for each year in which they host. Make sure you are vetting your family so they won't fall out of compliance during their time they are hosting. Families may host in subsequent years without renewing IF they will not be hosting when their application expires. This is critical that you time your vetting. All returning families must renew their application process annually if they are hosting again, this process is a little easier than first-timers. This includes:
Annual Host Family Application*
Host Family Visit Report*
Host Family Orientation conducted and documentation uploaded into YEAH.
Their individual background checks, reference checks and NSOR checks will also be renewed during the process.
Reference ChecksThese are done by the personal references that are provided by the family. An automated message will be generated to the references (a good practice is to alert your family who they used in the past to make it easier). Once submitted by the reference they will be reviewed by the YECT.
Host Family OrientationHost families are required to have an annual orientation if they will be hosting during the current year *New - Returning Families will have the option to take the Host Family Orientation online or in a personal session with the Club YEO. Regardless of how the orientation is renewed, the YEO must still personally meet with the family to re-review the travel policy, update the YEO contact, counselor and Country Officer which information which may have changed. Also, review what to do in case of a medical visit is required. Make sure they have a copy of the student’s insurance, the travel permission form provided by the country officer, and the student’s medical release form that was included in the student’s application. Once this step has been completed email the completed form to the YECT – all adult family prescreened members must be present for this orientation.
Annual Host Family Visit ReportAn initial and follow up host family visit must occur with each host family. Find the visit form on the family profile page in either the YEAH portal or HUB. This report is generated online - there is no form to print. Again a second follow up visit must take place between 30 and 60 days after the student has moved into the family. A different Authorized Rotarian must perform this visit than performed the initial inspection.
NSORNational Sex Offender Registry: This will be updated by the YECT.
Background CheckWashington: Obtained annually through the IntelliCorp, completed by the family members and recorded into the family members profileCanada: Obtained every 3 years through the RCMP in British Columbia, uploaded into the family members profile or emailed to the Youth Exchange Compliance Team
- Host Family vetting is current for 12 months from the time the application is submitted (3 years in Canada). You must renew the family’s application process for each year in which they host. Make sure you are vetting your family so they won't fall out of compliance during their time they are hosting. Families may host in subsequent years without renewing IF they will not be hosting when their application expires. This is critical that you time your vetting. All returning families must renew their application process annually if they are hosting again, this process is a little easier than first-timers. This includes: