A Former Inbound to Bremerton, Washington in 2011-12 Sends an Update On What She Is Doing Now
Dear Tom:
I think after several months, or might have been a year already? - I am in need of writing a small update on what I have been up to these days.
After 3 years I have finally and successful completed my undergrad double degree education. After being accepted into an international double degree program I received the opportunity to study not just in Austria in the field of Tourism and Leisure Management, but also in France in order to gain a second Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration. Whilst the end of my studies I more and more had to opportunity to focus on brand management in the outdoor industry, in which field I also want to gain my Graduate Degree in. After graduating in June 2017,
I travelled through Europe such as road tripping around Iceland or hiking in the Swiss Alps.
When I graduated I was looking for an exciting opportunity to work in or maybe even study. As I decided for myself that I feel to young to already start a job in the corporate world, I was looking for a more appealing new challenge.
As I have been involved in Boy Scouts since I am 4 years old, I decided to take my shot and apply to become a staff member at the World Scout Centre in Kandersteg, Switzerland. To my surprise the director believed in me, a recent graduate with little work experience and offered me the job as the PR & Marketing Manager. So here I am, the PR & Marketing Manager at Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC) since September 2017. It is a volunteer position in a work place trying to empower young people. I truly love my time here in the Swiss Alps. Currently I am managing my little team of myself and my Social Media and Communications Assistant and together we form the PR Team. When I am not planning exciting events, holding communication trainings within the European Scout Region or doing design work, I am spending every minute possible outdoors. With a season ski pass to the biggest ski resorts in the Bernese Alps of Switzerland and Ski Touring possibilities literally starting from my entrance door, I fully live the dream of adventures. When winter season ends I most likely will get my hiking and climbing shoes out of the closet and try to conquer breathtaking peaks in the area. As for now, I have signed a contract until September 2018 but hoping to renew for another year to fully develop my potential and to live this adventure for just a bit longer. For sure eventually I will go back to university to start my Masters degree in (yet to be decided) in either Brand Management or, somewhat very different, in Outdoor Adventure and Expedition Management. But this is yet to be determined and I think time will show.

Lisa hard at work splitting wood in the Swiss Alps
But until then, I am excited to welcome a visitor from the US. Even though my exchange year in Bremerton ended already over 5 years ago, I still keep in contact with friends and families there. Therefore I am even more excited to welcome Heather Danielsen, my former host sister, in Kandersteg at the end of February for a 10-day vacation. The friendships that were made in Bremerton are true friendships and I am much looking forward to catch up with Heather here but also to hopefully visit the Pacific Northwest soon again.
Give the best snowy greetings to the whole club and tell them how thankful I am for all the support I received whilst my exchange year. I often reflect on my time and the endless lessons I learned, friendships I made and the adventures I took. I think it was an essential part of my growing up and partly shaped me to who I am today: a curious, fearless, adventurous and courageous young Austrian woman trying to exploring and helping to create a better world.
Best greetings from Switzerland,
Sharing a cup of coffee with my Youth Exchange Officer toward the end of my exchange year.